Scenarios for new agricultural and food systems in Europe – some reference papers

Smith, L.G., Kirk, G.J.D., Jones, P.J., Williams, A.G. (2019). The greenhouse gas impacts of converting food production in England and Wales to organic methods. Nature Communications 10, Article No. 4641

Le Mouël C., de Lattre-Gasquet M., Mora O. (eds), 2018. Agrimonde-Terra. Land use and Food Security in 2050: A Narrow Road. Versailles: Quae. 400 p. Book in open access:

FABLE report.


Darko Znaor Philippe Baret Véronique de Herde Clémentine  Antier. “Les conséquences environnementales et économiques d’une conversion de l’agriculture wallonne vers un modèle à faible apport d’intrants”. Juin 2017. (in French only)

“Quelles agricultures en 2050 ? Comprendre la situation actuelle, explorer des scénarios pour l’avenir”. 2019. Clémentine Antier, Timothée Petel, Philippe Baret. (in French only)

Karlsson JO, Röös E (2019) Resource-efficient use of land and animals—Environmental impacts of food systems based on organic cropping and avoided food-feed competition. Land Use Policy 85, 63-72.

Karlsson J, Carlsson G, Lindberg M, Sjunnestrand T, Röös E (2018) Designing a future food vision for the Nordics through a participatory modeling approach. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:59.

Röös E, Patel M, Spångberg J, Carlsson G, Rydhmer L (2016) Limiting livestock production to pasture and by-products in a search for sustainable diets. Food Policy 58:1-13.

Röös E, Bajželj B, Smith P, Patel M, Little D, Garnett T (2017) Greedy or needy? Land use and climate impacts of food in 2050 under different livestock futures. Global Environmental Change 47:1-12.

Röös E, Bajželj B, Smith P, Patel M, Little D, Garnett T (2017) Protein futures for Western Europe: potential land use and climate impacts in 2050. Regional Environmental Change 17: 367.

Van Zanten H, Herrero M, Van Hal O, Röös E, Muller A, Garnett T, Gerber PJ, Schader C, De Boer IJM (2018) Defining a land boundary for livestock production. Global Change Biology, 24(9):4185-4194.

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